Saturday, 10 January 2009

a hectic week...

the pace for past a week was hectic and it was hard for me to keep up the pace.. anyway, it's over and i hav a relaxing weekend :)
i was in coronary rehabilitation ward (CRW), a ward which deals mainly with patients with heart disease, and some acute pts whose conditions are related to their heart probs... not many beds in the CRW, a total of 16 beds so that doctors can put more attention to their pts...
so far it's my 2nd ward and is my fourth week of clinical attachment... and i hav learnt alot about clinical stuffs dis week though they are still insufficient for me to be qualified as ward pharmacist.. so glad to hav a great preceptor with me and she did teach me alot :) thanks for her patience as well since i hav not much clinical knowledge (almost zero knowledge) and i'm juz like a silly student who is trying to learn up everything as much as possible...
to meet the quota + to do PCI + to find the information for all the questions, i stayed up late and only had an average sleeping time of 4 hrs everyday!!! i was tired, exhausted and stressed!! but i am happy and satisfied coz i really hav learnt sth and made myself useful :) a sense of satisfaction ^_^ hihi...
wat a pity is i only hav a week in CRW and wil be in medical ward next week onwards for a month... hope to hav a nice preceptor and less hectic workload :p and the most important thing, i wish i can get the 3 day offs during cny..
i dunwan to work on chu san chu si chu wu!! i wanna go Hat Yai, i wanna eat tomyam kung, i wanna drink air kelapa, i wanna shopping and buy cheap stuffs thr!!! haih.. seems i am dreaming and i still need guai guai go to work on those days :( dis is the consequence of being in pharmacy ward---being hard to take leave... zzz ... take a deep breath and... Good Luck to myself!!! ^_*


juz wanna share a sms joke:-

有个神经病,不知从哪里弄了个枪,他走在一条黑色的小胡同里,突然遇上了一个年轻人,他二话不说将其按在地上,用枪指着他的头,问道1+1等于几?年轻人吓坏了,战战兢兢的回答:等于二……?神经病毫不犹豫的开枪杀了他,然后把枪拽在怀里~~冰冷的说一句:你知道得太多了! ^o^

1 comment:

suechoo said...

envy lo....though hectic, at least u learnt a lot from clinical...i feel tht i dun learn anything leave r not approved also ar, though i only applied for one day...cisssssssssssssssssss!!!