24 hours in a day; 168 hours in a week.
About 9 working hours in a day; more than one third of a day is occupied by work.
Somehow, i couldn’t really find the job satisfaction, and somehow, i found it quite stressful and miserable to work. There are many cofactors: environment, boss, people, etc.
Always, i feel i am alone at work because colleagues are just colleagues, and the topics are usually regarding work, and ONLY work!
Not to complain much about my job although i have a lot to complain on it ;p Thanks to my colleagues-cum-friends in other departments who can always bring some happiness to my ……………… working life :D
To achieve balance, must get the right angle. Deeply in my heart, i love my profession actually.
Ermm.. To have a better working life, think i need to keep myself up to the pace as theirs, to become more competent and pro-active. I think should not go lunch punctually and should stay back after 5pm as well ;p
Decided to do my part and be myself!!
You cannot change the environment/world,
but you can change yourself.